A Little Noise

October 9, 2015


Filed under: MySQL — snoyes @ 1:10 pm

mysql < quarto.sql

Example game play:

mysql> -- Start the game and pass the first piece in the lower nibble
mysql> CALL SetupGame(0x0A);
| rules                                                                |
| Quarto: 4 in a line (row, column, or long diagonal) with at least one bit in common wins.
CALL Play(move); -- high 4 bits are board position, low 4 bits are piece for next player
CALL PrintBoard(base); -- to display the board. Useful bases are 16 and 2. |

| instructions           |
| Player 1, play piece A |

mysql> CALL Play(0x00);
| board   |
| A| | |  |
|  | | |  |
|  | | |  |
|  | | |  |

| instructions           |
| Player 0, play piece 0 |

mysql> CALL Play(0x1C);
| board   |
| A|0| |  |
|  | | |  |
|  | | |  |
|  | | |  |

| instructions           |
| Player 1, play piece C |

mysql> CALL Play(0x2E);
| board   |
| A|0|C|  |
|  | | |  |
|  | | |  |
|  | | |  |

| instructions           |
| Player 0, play piece E |

mysql> CALL Play(0x3F);
| board   |
| A|0|C|E |
|  | | |  |
|  | | |  |
|  | | |  |

| result        |
| player 0 wins |

1 Comment »

  1. Very nice!

    Just out of curiosity… did you get inspiration from my SQL Hangman and Bulls and Cows? (If not, please don’t mind my ego)

    Comment by Federico Razzoli — October 13, 2015 @ 8:51 am

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