A Little Noise

November 6, 2014

Undelete rows with the binary log

Filed under: MySQL — snoyes @ 3:18 pm

Can you use the binary logs to undo a DELETE? Maybe, if you’re using ROW format logging. The difference between a delete and an insert event could be just one byte – the one that maps it as a DELETE_ROWS_EVENT or a WRITE_ROWS_EVENT. Let’s try it.

I’ve already populated this table with a few rows:

CREATE TABLE `undo_test` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`v` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`b` blob,

Save a hash so we can see if the undo really works later:

mysql -e "SELECT * FROM test.undo_test" | md5sum > before.md5

Delete an unwanted row:

DELETE FROM undo_test;
Query OK, 1693 rows affected (0.14 sec)

Oops! Forgot the WHERE clause! And of course I don’t have any recent backups. Is the data really gone?

mysql> select count(*) from undo_test;
| count(*) |
| 0 |

But maybe there’s hope. Find the delete event in the binary log.

| Log_name   | Pos    | Event_type  | Server_id | End_log_pos | Info
| bin.000001 |      4 | Format_desc |         1 |         120 | Server ver: 5.6.20-log, Binlog ver: 4
| bin.000001 |    516 | Query       |         1 |         588 | BEGIN
| bin.000001 |    588 | Table_map   |         1 |         647 | table_id: 70 (test.undo_test)
| bin.000001 |    647 | Delete_rows |         1 |        8859 | table_id: 70
| bin.000001 |   8859 | Delete_rows |         1 |       16932 | table_id: 70
| bin.000001 |  16932 | Delete_rows |         1 |       25040 | table_id: 70
| bin.000001 |  25040 | Delete_rows |         1 |       33244 | table_id: 70
| bin.000001 |  33244 | Delete_rows |         1 |       41408 | table_id: 70
| bin.000001 |  41408 | Delete_rows |         1 |       49549 | table_id: 70
| bin.000001 |  49549 | Delete_rows |         1 |       57764 | table_id: 70
| bin.000001 |  57764 | Delete_rows |         1 |       65956 | table_id: 70
| bin.000001 |  65956 | Delete_rows |         1 |       74096 | table_id: 70
| bin.000001 |  74096 | Delete_rows |         1 |       82237 | table_id: 70
| bin.000001 |  82237 | Delete_rows |         1 |       90445 | table_id: 70
| bin.000001 |  90445 | Delete_rows |         1 |       98586 | table_id: 70
| bin.000001 |  98586 | Delete_rows |         1 |      106728 | table_id: 70
| bin.000001 | 106728 | Delete_rows |         1 |      114886 | table_id: 70
| bin.000001 | 114886 | Delete_rows |         1 |      123085 | table_id: 70
| bin.000001 | 123085 | Delete_rows |         1 |      131290 | table_id: 70
| bin.000001 | 131290 | Delete_rows |         1 |      139476 | table_id: 70
| bin.000001 | 139476 | Delete_rows |         1 |      146945 | table_id: 70 flags: STMT_END_F
| bin.000001 | 146945 | Xid         |         1 |      146976 | COMMIT /* xid=36 */

The delete starts at position 516 and ends at 146976. We can pass those positions to mysqlbinlog to get just this delete event, along with the necessary header so mysql knows how to interpret the event.

From sql/log_event.h we see that a delete is 0x20 and an insert is 0x1E. This awk program will parse the mysqlbinlog output and make the necessary changes.


# In a ROW event, the first 9 bytes are timestamp (4 bytes), event type (1 byte), server id (4 bytes).
# In base64 encoding, 6 bits map to a single character.
# So the first 30 bits of the timestamp are the first 5 characters
# The last 2 bits of the timestamp and the first nibble of event type are character 6
# The last nibble of event type plus first 2 bits of server id are character 7
# The last 30 bits of server id are characters 8-12.

# A DELETE event will match the timestamp and sever id of the table map event (first line after BINLOG ') (I hope)
# Characters 6 and 7 have only four possible values each:
# Char6 is (00, 01, 10, or 11) followed by 0010. These map to CSiy
# Char7 is 0000 followed by (00, 01, 10, or 11). These map to ABCD

# To change DELETE to INSERT:
# - change the last 4 bits of character 6 to 0001. These map to BRhx.
# - change the first 4 bits of character 7 to 1110. These map to 4567.

BEGIN { regexp = "$^" }

  regexp = "^" substr($0, 1, 5) "[CSiy][ABCD]" substr($0, 8, 4);

$0 ~ regexp {
  n = $0;
  $0 = substr(n, 1, 5)
  $0 = $0 substr("BRhx", index("CSiy", substr(n, 6, 1)), 1)
  $0 = $0 substr("4567", index("ABCD", substr(n, 7, 1)), 1)
  $0 = $0 substr(n, 8) ;

{ print; }

Pass the event through that code, and then back into mysql:

mysqlbinlog --start-position=516 --stop-position=146976 bin.000001 | awk -f undelete.awk | mysql

Compare it to the original hash to see if it’s really back:

mysql -e "SELECT * FROM test.undo_test" | md5sum -c before.md5
-: OK

Looks like it worked.

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