A Little Noise

April 23, 2009

Flour Power

Filed under: Kids — snoyes @ 7:44 pm

(two months ago)
Iona: Daddy, am I going to marry you when I get big?
Daddy: No, you’ll marry someone else, and the two of you will have your own family.
Iona: (in tears) I don’t want to leave! I want to stay with you and mommy!

(last week, after passing the display cakes in the bakery)
Iona: Daddy, what kind of cake did you and mommy have at your wedding?
Daddy: I’ll show you a picture when we get home.

Our Wedding Cake

(a few minutes later)
Iona: Daddy, I think it will be ok if I marry someone else and we have our own family.

April 9, 2009

errno: 121 (Duplicate key) with CREATE TABLE

Filed under: MySQL FAQ — snoyes @ 7:02 am

Trying to create a table, and getting something like this?

ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table '<db>.<table>' (errno: 121)

Discovered that perror 121 says this?

MySQL error code 121: Duplicate key on write or update

Really confused how you might get a duplicate key error while creating a table?

If the table you’re trying to create includes a foreign key constraint, and you’ve provided your own name for that constraint, remember that it must be unique within the database. Run this query to see if that name is in use somewhere:

  constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' 
  AND table_schema = DATABASE() 

(If you’re still on 4.1 or earlier,

mysqldump --no-data yourDbName | grep CONSTRAINT

to get a similar list)

Thanks to [raymond] on Freenode.

April 7, 2009

Error 1307 creating stored procedure

Filed under: MySQL FAQ — snoyes @ 10:52 am

Trying to create a stored procedure, and getting a cryptic error like this?

ERROR 1307 (HY000): Failed to CREATE PROCEDURE <procName>

Try this simple diagnostic query first:

    COUNT(*) XOR (CAST(VERSION() AS decimal(2, 1)) >= 5.1), 
    'Wrong mysql.proc table version. Did you forget to run mysql_upgrade?',
    'The mysql.proc table looks ok. Keep hunting.'
  ) AS troubleshooting 
  table_schema = 'mysql' 
  AND table_name = 'proc' 
  AND column_name LIKE 'body_utf8';

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