Five on the Green

by Aussie Meyer
Solving Tips


The Drones had their annual golf outing at Bingley by the sea. It was a glorious day for golf. Bertie Wooster rose and selected his attire for the event. After looking it over Jeeves tried unsuccessfully to amend the selection to something more suitable, but Bertie was firm and left the suite looking less sartorial than Jeeves would have liked.

After the round, Bertie and the four contenders (Algy, Claude, Dogface, and Eustace) gathered to discuss the day. As is traditional with golfers, each had committed a fashion offense with at least one item of clothing (orange cap, orange sweater, purple sweater, purple slacks and chartreuse slacks). This fivesome ranged from very good golfers (one has a handicap of 0, another a respectable 4) to more average golfers (with handicaps of 12, 16 and 20), but each had a shot that would bring him back to play this silly game another day. They each had a shot to brag about (a fabulous putt on the 2nd hole, an amazing chip shot on 7, hole in one on 10, a brilliant trap shot on 13 and a magnificent drive on 18).

From the clues below can you determine each man's handicap, fashion crime and brag shot?

./Labels/h_Shot_Hole.png ./Labels/h_Fashion.png ./Labels/h_Handicap.png
./Labels/v_Putt_2.png ./Labels/v_Chip_7.png ./Labels/v_Hole_in_one_10.png ./Labels/v_Trap_13.png ./Labels/v_Drive_18.png ./Labels/v_Purple_sweater.png ./Labels/v_Purple_slacks.png ./Labels/v_Orange_sweater.png ./Labels/v_Orange_cap.png ./Labels/v_Chartreuse_slacks.png ./Labels/v_0.png ./Labels/v_4.png ./Labels/v_12.png ./Labels/v_16.png ./Labels/v_20.png
./Labels/v_Drone.png ./Labels/h_Algy.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Bertie.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Claude.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Dogface.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Eustace.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/v_Handicap.png ./Labels/h_0.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_4.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_12.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_16.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_20.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/v_Fashion.png ./Labels/h_Purple_sweater.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Purple_slacks.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Orange_sweater.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Orange_cap.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Chartreuse_slacks.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
x o blank
x o blank x o blank x o blank x o blank
x o blank x o blank x o blank x o blank
JavaScript Grid by Scott Noyes


  1. A. The Drone that bragged about his escape from a trap on 13 has a handicap equal to the sum of the handicaps of the one with the Purple sweater, Bertie, and the man with the hole in one.
    B. Likewise the handicap of the man that bragged about his drive on 18 is equal to the combined handicaps of Algy, the man with the purple slacks, and Eustace.
    (Note: all five golfers have been mentioned at least once in the 2 parts of this clue)
  2. Neither Eustace (who owns no Chartreuse clothing) nor Algy had their bragging shot on the back 9 (meaning the second half of the course)
  3. Dogface had his bragging shot on a lower number hole than the golfer wearing an Orange cap
  4. The five players are: Dogface, the golfer with the nice chip shot, the one with a 16 handicap and the men that wore Purple and Chartreuse slacks
  5. Claude had his glory shot either 8 holes before or 8 holes after the man in Chartreuse slacks
  6. Claude hopes to get his handicap down to what his twin brother Eustace's handicap is someday.

Solving Tips

Use an X when you are sure that two fields do not match. Use a dot when you are sure that two fields do match. Click once to place an X. Click a second time to place a dot. Click a third time to clear the box.

Select marker color by clicking the colored radio buttons. You can use colored marks to indicate which clue provided a value, or to indicate a guess that might not be correct, or just because you like solving puzzles in teal.

Use the "Save" button to save a puzzle in progress. Use the "Load" button to reload the puzzle. This feature uses cookies - fear not, we aren't tracking you or stealing credit card numbers (we couldn't, even if we wanted to.) At the moment, only one puzzle may be saved at a time on each computer (unless using different browsers or accounts). There is no warning if you save over another puzzle, and no undo!

Use the "Current Solution Window" button to parse the grid for your solution. This feature simply looks for dots in the top set of rows and creates a list that you can copy and paste into your email for submission.

If you want to clear the grid and start over, just refresh the page. Note that there is a bug in IE6 (and possibly other browsers), so that if a color other than the default is selected, that color may appear to be selected after the reload, but the actual color used will be the default.

Feature Requests
What would you like to see added to the JavaScript grid? Send me your requests and ideas.

Bug Reports
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