When Aurelia Cammerleigh joined her cousin Moira last summer for a week on the Cote d'Azur, Archibald Mulliner was left alone in London, pining as only a chap whose soulmate has deserted him for sunnier climes can pine. He filled the emotional void in his own fashion; by shopping for those snazzy gentlemen's accoutrements that would knock Aurelia's eye out on her return. In fact, he bought socks to add to his collection of fine socks, one pair each on Monday through Friday.
Now these socks were a variety of colors: yellow, blue, green, pink and violet, and further were decorated with a succession of cheerful designs: diamonds, bands, hearts, zigzags, and polka dots. The designs were each one of the same five colors, but of course each was a different color than the rest of the sock.
His valet, Meadowes, shuddered at the sight of each new purchase; but hosiery was the one part of his employer's wardrobe that he had surrendered to Archibald's freedom of expression. Diamonds and dots swam before his eyes when he shut them to compose his thoughts, and zigzagging banded snakes in a rainbow of vivid hues danced before him. He tried to gather the specific details of the stocking purchases to enter his report in Junior Ganymede Club Book, but these 13 clues were all that he could recall.
From the clues below can you determine, on what day Archibald bought socks of what color with which pattern in what color?
Be careful - it's very confusing! All of the sock colors were different from the pattern colors on them.