Vicious Valets

by Aussie Meyer
Solving Tips


Members of the Junior Ganymede Club got an eyeful last week when five of their members (Lister, Meadowes, Nixon, Oddbody & Purvis) wrote vivid anecdotes in the club book about their young masters (in no particular order: Andy, Bill, Cuthbert, Daniel & Eggy) in some embarrassing situation. Each weekday (starting on Monday), another lurid story appeared! Irregardless of order, these included: the one about the fellow who lost the seat of his trousers to a Labrador retriever, the tale of the chap who bought a bogus diamond stickpin from a confidence man, a paragraph of prose about the man whose shirtfront flew up and smacked him in the face at a banquet, a report of a young man locked out of a country house at night in the nude, and of course the little story about the lovesick lad who serenaded an elderly magistrate with his concertina, thinking he was below the window of the old boy's pretty niece.

From the clues below, can you determine which vicious valet worked for what employer, the incident reported in the club book, and the day it appeared?

./Labels/h_Valet.png ./Labels/h_Employer.png ./Labels/h_Incident.png
./Labels/v_Lister.png ./Labels/v_Meadowes.png ./Labels/v_Nixon.png ./Labels/v_Oddbody.png ./Labels/v_Purvis.png ./Labels/v_Andy.png ./Labels/v_Bill.png ./Labels/v_Cutherbert.png ./Labels/v_Daniel.png ./Labels/v_Eggy.png ./Labels/v_Dog_Bit_Pants.png ./Labels/v_Shirtfront_Slap.png ./Labels/v_Serenade.png ./Labels/v_Dud_Diamond.png ./Labels/v_Nude_Lockout.png
./Labels/v_Day.png ./Labels/h_Monday.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Tuesday.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Wednesday.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Thursday.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Friday.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/v_Incident.png ./Labels/h_Dog_Bit_Pants.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Shirtfront_Slap.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Serenade.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Dud_Diamond.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Nude_Lockout.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/v_Employer.png ./Labels/h_Andy.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Bill.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Cutherbert.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Daniel.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
./Labels/h_Eggy.png Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark
x o blank
x o blank x o blank x o blank x o blank
x o blank x o blank x o blank x o blank
JavaScript Grid by Scott Noyes


  1. Andy and Bill are Americans, the others are Brits.
  2. Meadowes wrote his piece on the young yankee who was locked out of the country house in the buff prior to Wednesday.
  3. The tale about the dog devouring the trousers seat appeared earlier in the week than Lister's story, which in turn appeared before the story about Bill.
  4. The story of serenading the magistrate appeared the day before the anecdote about buying the counterfeit diamond stickpin; both appeared before the tale about Daniel.
  5. Purvis did not come in to the club Thursday or Friday.
  6. The anecdote about Andy did not appear on Monday.
  7. Bill's valet is not named Nixon.
  8. Eggy did not perform the serenade.

Solving Tips

Use an X when you are sure that two fields do not match. Use a dot when you are sure that two fields do match. Click once to place an X. Click a second time to place a dot. Click a third time to clear the box.

Select marker color by clicking the colored radio buttons. You can use colored marks to indicate which clue provided a value, or to indicate a guess that might not be correct, or just because you like solving puzzles in teal.

Use the "Save" button to save a puzzle in progress. Use the "Load" button to reload the puzzle. This feature uses cookies - fear not, we aren't tracking you or stealing credit card numbers (we couldn't, even if we wanted to.) At the moment, only one puzzle may be saved at a time on each computer (unless using different browsers or accounts). There is no warning if you save over another puzzle, and no undo!

Use the "Current Solution Window" button to parse the grid for your solution. This feature simply looks for dots in the top set of rows and creates a list that you can copy and paste into your email for submission.

If you want to clear the grid and start over, just refresh the page. Note that there is a bug in IE6 (and possibly other browsers), so that if a color other than the default is selected, that color may appear to be selected after the reload, but the actual color used will be the default.

Feature Requests
What would you like to see added to the JavaScript grid? Send me your requests and ideas.

Bug Reports
If you encounter something strange, or a JavaScript error, or some other oddity, let me know!
